Short Stories

When I was encouraged by ‘Spinning on a Barstool”s editor, Kerry, to continue to write, I had mixed emotions. I knew I wasn’t ready for another book, but I did enjoy writing. I happened to find ‘short stories’ by fluke. Reedsy holds weekly contests. I thought what the heck!

To date, not one short story has won anything or even been shortlisted.

I have a go0al with the ones you see here… somehow make them connect to the one before it.

A Soap Opera of Glenda’s mind 😛


The Miserable Ones

The Miserable Ones

The Miserable OnesIntro  Sometimes a simple prompt can pull a question from the mind. Coffee shops. How old are they? I went on a bit of search and the minute I read about the Cafe Procope I smiled. Victor Hugo went there?! Amazing! Yes, Yes! I can write to this...

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MarkedIntroMark is a fictional story of true events. Not always in the exact form, and never a single country. It was written to cause the read to consider what they may never see. The Reedsy Prompt was ‘Start your story with your character(s) going to buy some...

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FortesIntro When I was writing Spinning on a Barstool I discovered I really enjoyed researching places and people. Fortes is my imagination dipping in and out of reality. The Reedsy Prompt was ‘write a story using the words ‘it’s the thought that counts.’...

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The Train

The Train

The TrainAs I was stepping into the world of 'self-publishing' I figured I should support my fellow selfpublished authors. I scanned Tellwells website and purchased two books I thought I might enjoy. One was good. The other... Oh God the other... it was just terrible....

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15 East 7th Street Manhattan

15 East 7th Street Manhattan

15 East 7th Street ManhattanIntro Joseph Mitchell is one of my favorite authors. If you've enjoyed Humans of New York it's like he invented it! He wrote for the New Yorker back in the day when men dressed like men and smoked about it  He wrote about McSorley's. A pub...

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