Spinning on a Barstool is awarded Grand-Prize Silver and Gold in Memoirs

Spinning on a Barstool is awarded Grand-Prize Silver and Gold in Memoirs



Grand-Prize Silver for overall non-fiction AND

Gold for Memoirs!



It has been a bit of a world wind, this past year. I’m afraid my blog has been on the back list of ‘learning’. Learning how to market. Learning how to write copy. Learning how to do graphics, and videos and reels. Learning how to ‘social media’. I often say, “I just wanted to write a book.” These words echo from the laptops of self-published authors everywhere, and too, from traditionally published authors. I see them step foot into this ring along side us. None of us escape the need to ‘be visible’ in the world of ‘online’.

It has not been a horrible experience, in fact it has given me an avenue to use my creativity, and well we are writers, we are creative aren’t we. While at first, I pushed against this Goliath media, I quickly learned that it exhausted me to do so. If you cannot beat ‘em, join ‘em…I became friends with the ogre. My head still hurts but damn I am proud of what I’ve learned to do.

While navigating this, I had also been submitting Spinning on a Barstool to literary reviews such as Kirkus, as well as Indie awards programs such as BIBA and Reader Views.

In March, I was informed by Reader Views that they had selected Spinning on a Barstool for their Gold Award in Memoirs and then further honored the book with Grand Prize Silver for Overall non-fiction.

Stunned. It’s the only word adequate.

Remember, I have not finished grade 10. I am a waitress in a pub. I live in a trailer in the forest. I am now an Award-winning Author 😀 Bloody Amazing.

This ‘Award’ has opened another door to sales. There are people out there that will buy an ‘award-winning’ book. I do not blame them, I do the same thing don’t I, when I flick the Netflix choices. Brand me guilty! It is that a bit of gold in Goldshlagger, it’s just cinnamon whisky yet, it’s not, it’s something more, it’s flecked in gold, because someone else put it there.

I am grateful.

I do not win awards. I was never that kid that was picked for anything.

They picked this work. This story. My life.

…and Jordan Peterson whispers in my ear, do that which is difficult…

I did.

Difficulty wins awards, go figure!